

trouser saga part IV (or so)

You remember that whole dealie with the boy needing bottoms, and I made him some, but then the girl child stole them, but then dad made him another pair, and then I made him a few more just to make sure he's good and covered? And the whole thing happened just a month ago?

Right. I'm trying not to take it personally, but it really does seem like the boy is conspiring against me. First he doesn't sleep (well, hardly ever) and now he grows. All of his new trousers are sitting an inch and a half above his ankle bone. An inch and a half! In a month!

Fine. It's a good thing trousers are simple to make and allow for a touch of creativity with embellishments and whatnots. Actually, I've made so many now that I slip into a meditative like trance by the time I'm reinforcing the crouch seam. Trouser zen: when I hem I hem.

Here we go with the first of the new set of boy trousers. Please note my superb mothering skills as the boy:

Stands on car

Dangles dangerously over the railing (tide was low so it's okay, right?)

Eats god awful amounts of chocolate

But cute pants right?


  1. Yes! All I can see is cute pants LOL!

  2. They look awesome. Love the boots. Love your blog.

  3. I'd hold growing against my Pickle if A) she wasn't so cute, and B) making her clothes wasn't a fun indulgence.

  4. M is going through the same thing... All of her 2 t jeans are WAAAAAAAAY too short but the 3's are about twice as wide as she is!

  5. Im so glad im not the only one who has a kid covered in chocolate (see my last blog post LOL!)
    The pants look ace! Your embellishing looks ace as well!
    Well done for your patience in getting so many pairs done!

  6. Love your blog!! and the trousers. why not make them longer and fold them up with one of those loop/tab things? you have gorgeous kids!!

  7. Cute pants - cute kid - and really cute blue boots - I am totally diggin' those!

    I LOVE your blog - I don't even remember how I stumbled on it, but I check it every day - you are amazing!

  8. cute pants.
    I firmly believe that it's reprehensible mothering not to let small boys dangle over railings/ eat scandalous amounts of chocolate sometimes.

  9. Love the pants. Love love love. Your kids are adorable, too. *whine* really want the pattern. haha.
