

black tree mural

Done!  Or done enough so that I feel like I can move on. 

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This is in my tiny dining nook, the little bit of space separated from my living room by a pony wall.  The best part of this is how the tree sits in the corner and hides how the corner angles up all wonky.  Ha!  Take that, crooked house: I win this round.

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Funny how you really don't notice stuff until after you take the picture.  Now that I've noticed how much the blind turn-y thingee sticks out, it's driving me nuts.

Anyhoo, mural.  Lookit that rock.  I think that's a good rock.  As I mentioned last post, I was hoping that this would appear to resemble an old fashioned charcoal drawing from a children's book.  What it reminds me of now, though, almost entirely because of the rock, is a Calvin and Hobbes illustration.  Perhaps this winter we should add a few snow goons?

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I have the next mural project started too.  Overhead projector transparency prepared (the transparency is a plastic binder display sleeve cut in half, but it works just as well), the intended wall cleared, washed, filled, sanded, painted and... well, now I've got to go parent or something.   Tomorrow is another day and, hopefully, the wild rumpus may begin...

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