

script bags

My sewing machine has been sitting on my kitchen table nearly all week.  Most of my projects have been for girl child's theatre group's Alice in Wonderland production that opens this Friday, but I also managed to get in a couple almost non-stage related items.

I made a bag each for two young actresses, daughters of the costume madame, to keep their theatre things in - script and song book, pencil for revisions, water bottle and snacks.  Girl child has a similar one she uses and works quite well for the purpose.

Because she's such a doll, girl child agreed to help me photograph the bag.  Which is really grand of her, since she obviously hates being in front of the camera.

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I have plenty more to show you, mucho steampunk and Victorian goodness, as I find time.  Rehearsal week started tonight and will continue until opening night on Friday.  Then there will be three shows before anyone gets a day off.  There is eleven shows in total.  That is five to eight hours a day at the theatre for the next two and a half weeks.  Which is amazing if you consider that over seventy kids in this production are putting in nearly full time hours and still have the energy to sing and dance with tremendous energy.  Those kids, they blow me away. 

I cannot do such things.  One day in and I'm ready for bed.   Plus I have glue gun blisters (common costume room trauma) and need some rest before I can face the gun again. 

I will be posting random pictures of the costumes and the childs on my Tumblr if you are interested in keeping up on some of the action.  In the meanwhile... zzzzzzz....

1 comment:

  1. I just got sucked into your tumbler site. I LOVE the photo of girl child flying with the Dr. Seuss quote around her. Beautiful.
