

upcycled shirt to apron

A new apron for girl child who sorely needed one.  She has been using the one I made for her when she was just three years old for all these years.  Since she'll be ten in just a month and a bit, something that actually covers her clothes seemed long overdue.

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This apron was reconstructed from a button down men's shirt I thrifted.  The applique spells out 'courage', something I think we can all use when we bake or craft.

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For this one, an extra large pocket was requested for holding... stuff.  What exactly girl child failed to specify, except for a scissor sleeve for hanging onto when she crafts.  The pocket is stitched into two compartments, one about the right shape for a pair of scissors.

You'll have to excuse my atrocious bow tying; one art that has always eluded me.

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For the top pattern I traced out one of girl child's tank top's neckline and arm opening, extending the arm opening down to wrap around the back and attach at the waist.  The bottom of the apron is the bottom portion of the back of the shirt.  I kept the bottom hem and hemmed in where I cut the side seams.  A slight gather brought the whole thing to size.

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And then there was a mile of ruffle from black broadcloth to make for the bottom edge of the apron.

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And there we have it, girl child ready for any mess she can throw at herself. 

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1 comment:

  1. (don't know if I'll make a double comment...):
    Bravo! Really great ;o)
