

summer wardrobe, fleshies, houses

Well, for everyone around here who has been crying about how much they love summer, here you go.  Hot enough for ya?  It is for me.  I am of Northern descent, I don't really do heat.  Boy child also seems to be withering (you must remember this as the kid who walks outside in the snow in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt).

Girl child seems to do alright, though, in hot weather.  At least, she has the wardrobe for it.

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Other than melting and generally trying to control traffic in the backyard full of neighborhood kids (which is a dozen posts in itself but I can't even think about it anymore), I have been doing just a little bit of sewing.  Slowly, I've been creating an army of naked fleshy dolls who indeed have a purpose, other than creeping people out when they come to visit. 

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I will get to share their story with you sometime down the road.

The childs and I, when we aren't in the backyard, warring with the neighbor tribes, have been building up a little gothic village on the top of one of the book shelves.

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It started with just a house for boy child's road play mat and since the childs have discovered it's quite fun to design your own house.  Girl child, when she plays with the scene, has been referring to it as Night Vale, our absolute of all time favorite podcasts.  I personally have been referring to the middle house (above) as the-house-that-doesn't-exist-although-it-seems-like-it's-just-right-there-when-you-look-at-it-and-it's-between-two-other-houses-so-it-would-make-more-sense-for-it-to-be-there-than-not-but-it-does-not-exist.  Obviously.  I mean, look at the oak doors.

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However, J.K. Rowling has just put out a brand new Harry Potter short story online and ramped up girl child's love of all things Harry, so this little village has suddenly morphed into Diagon Alley.

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Whatever they are to be, I think our little houses are prepared.

Hope you all in my hemisphere are keeping cool.


  1. With no A/C in our house, it's been interesting so far. We spend our time sitting in front of fans.

    I had the thought that we should just spend all our time outside, but the mosquitos here in Montana are relentless in their pursuit to eat my child alive. As each bite swells to 10 times the normal size, we try to stay away from them as much as possible.

    Those earings that Girl Child is wearing are pretty awesome!

    I love the house. How are you making them?

  2. The houses are just made from cardstock, drawing out the shape in 2D and gluing it together. Really simple. If I have a moment, I'll share the template I ended up doing up, since redrawing it everytime was becoming time consuming.

  3. That would be awesome! I think my kidlet would enjoy making some of these.


  4. Love the dolls you have been making. Did you follow a pattern or make it up as you go?
