

handmade scrapbook

Girl child's Harry Potter continues.  We are just over halfway done the Half Blood Prince and pushing hard through to the end of the series with several hours a day reading so we can be ready to go to this exhibit in December.

What to do with the few hundred Harry Potter drawings girl child has accumulated has a been a bit of a question.  Finally we decided to just make ourselves a large sized journal covered with paper girl child felt represented Gryffindor in which she could paste in and label her drawings as she sees fit.

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This also represents my first foray into binding a book with multiple signatures

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Lots of room was left between the signatures to allow for pasting in drawings, various Harry Potter ephemera as we encounter it and even extra pages if it is deemed necessary.  All together there is a hundred pages, though, so she shouldn't need too much more. 

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Girl child has been busy all day in her messy little workspace.  We'll have to venture out for more glue soon. 

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Judging by the few pages girl child has finished, I think that her creativity is being adequately addressed, given that I have provided almost no direction as to how she should put together her Potter scrapbook.  However, spelling may be something we have to look at over the next year.


  1. Love it! I have often made my kiddo sketch books to draw in, but I never thought to make her a book for gluing in her random paper drawings.

    Beautiful cover and binding!

  2. Just last night I made an art journal for my girl child. Judging by your daughter's fun it should be a big hit Christmas morning. :)
